You might wonder why we love books without words so much at Coram Beanstalk when we're all about reading - but they are an excellent tool in our box of tricks for encouraging children who are anxious about the written word and a whole lot of fun too!

They're the perfect type of book to promote book chat between the readers which can support children to acquire lots of reading skills  - but without the pressure of 'reading'. 

The story is in the pictures/illustrations so we have to become book detectives! We can explore inference by using the illustrations so are developing comprehension skills in a fun way - What clues can we find? Are things connected? Is there a cause and effect? And by an adult telling the story we can introduce new words and phrases your child might not otherwise use or know about.

Many children adore being given the freedom to tell their own story, developing creativity and imagination - and there are always so many little things in the pictures that the children see (but us adults often miss!).

There are plenty of opportunities with wordless books to do a little role play - particularly with our chosen book of the month - 'Tuesday'. Have a look at that one, and the others we've selected below and see what you can come up with.

About the book 

Tuesday by David Weisner

In this ingenious and imaginative wordless picture book, frogs in a pond lift off on their lily pads and fly to a nearby town where they zoom through a woman's living room, encounter a dog playing in his yard, and distract a bathrobe-clad citizen from his midnight snack.

Can you imagine being a reporter on the news describing these events?

And who knows what will happen next Tuesday? 

Equally brilliant beanstalk books with no words

Buy one of our selected books here and Coram Beanstalk receive a 10% donation