8th June 2015

Visit www.eli-net.eu to learn how to tackle literacy issues

On 1st June a new website was launched by the European Literacy Policy Network (ELINET) to improve literacy policies in 28 European countries. The ultimate goal of the project is to reduce the number of children, young people and adults with low literacy skills in Europe.

The website, found at www.eli-net.eu, provides information about the network, literacy reports, and policy recommendations for ELINET member countries, tools and guidance for fundraising and awareness-raising, a collection of good practices for enhancing literacy, and much more. This information is available to everyone free of charge, and will prove particularly valuable to ministries and policy makers, educational institutions, non-profit organisations, and individuals with a keen interest on literacy.

ELINET aims to analyse and consult on literacy policies at a local, regional, national, and trans-national level, raising awareness of literacy issues and coordinating campaigns. The network’s approach is truly unique, covering literacy topics across all age-groups and all areas (from classroom education to reading for pleasure).

The project combines a top-down approach (research-based standards, guidelines and material) with a flexible bottom-up approach (analysing good practice examples, supporting existing activities and encouraging new ones). Ultimately, the results of this network will include a European framework of good practice in raising literacy levels, and a sample of corresponding examples, 30 country reports, tools for awareness-raising and fundraising, and a European Literacy platform.

The network was established in February 2014 and received a 3 million Euro grant from the European Commission to complete a two-year work programme. Co-ordinated by the University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. Christine Garbe, Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur II), ELINET is a network of 78 literacy policy organisations working in close co-operation. The consortium includes:  literacy networks, education ministries, national agencies, international organisations (like UNESCO), foundations, NGOs, universities, research centres, teacher training institutions, volunteer organisations and other stakeholder groups working in the field of literacy.

UK members of the network include Beanstalk, BookTrust and EU Reads, Education Scotland, the Institute of Education, The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE), the United Kingdom Literacy Association and the University of York.


(Notes to editors)

  1. The ELINET project brings together organisations from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.
  2. For further information please contact Steve Hawe at [email protected] or 020 7749 7975