4.1 What do the schools who have used Coram Beanstalk training for Reading Leaders say?

Reading leaders brings unique value to the promotion of literacy as our Year 10 role models enable Year 7s and 8s to make massive weekly strides in their interpretation of texts. It has created a warm buzz of positive peer pressure as Year 10s are using their personalities and popularity to create authentic and real changes in their peer’s lives.  

Alec Macnaughton , Literacy and EAL Lead, Royal Greenwich Trust School 

I've come to appreciate the invaluable role Coram Beanstalk plays in fostering a love for reading among children across the UK. Undoubtedly, through the positive role models and the tailed training received, the Year 7s are already displaying a more positive attitude to reading and see themselves as 'readers' perhaps for some for the very first time. Year 10 students have also commented on how it has enabled them to develop their own skills as they experience reading from a different lens.

Katie Armstrong, Lead Practitioner in English, Broughton High School 

4.2 What do the students say about their Reading Leaders training?

This is an experience that prepares you for the future, a program I will never forget.

Year 11 student, The Appleton School 

I would say that it is a privilege to have been part of the course because it is a great thing to be doing and helping others read and to be more confident is an amazing feeling to have.

Year 9, Corpus Christi Catholic High School 

I think it was a really good experience for me and my buddy reader because it increased both of our confidence and helped someone else enjoy reading even more.

Year 10, Patcham High School 

Being a part of this program has helped to extend and broaden my own vocabulary and responsibility. It's also allowed me to get to know my younger peers and see the struggles some face that you wouldn't guess by their appearance as its something you learn about them through the process of communication and this helps to adapt to their abilities to help improve them.

Year 10, Corpus Christi Catholic High School