About the Partnership  

In 2019/20 DHL UK Foundation and Coram Beanstalk will be working together to deliver life changing stories for children through reading support. The partnership has a shared vision of supporting more young people to fulfill their potential through education and that is why DHL UK Foundation have made a generous grant of £50,000 towards Coram Beanstalk’s work and will also be offering opportunities to volunteer to their employees. This crucial funding as well as the time committed by employees towards volunteering will enable us to reach 500 more children with reading support. 

Volunteering with Coram Beanstalk 

The partnership will be launching opportunities for DHL employees to volunteer in their local school communities in three main areas; Milton Keynes, Leeds and Daventry.  However, it will be possible for employees from other locations to volunteer too dependent on availability and proximity of school placements. 

The opportunities available to DHL employees are detailed below. Full volunteer role descriptions can be found on Coram Beanstalk’s website hereIf you would like to register your interest in volunteering please click here to complete a short form.

If you are in one of the three focus areas we will be able to invite you to complete an application form. This will be followed up by an engagement call by one of our admin team. If you are happy with the commitments of the role you will be invited to attend a training date or if there is sufficient group of DHL employees (between 7 - 12) from the same area wishing to volunteer we can put on a training day especially for the group.  The training lasts between 10 – 4pm with a break in the middle for lunch.  

Our expert trainers will provide you with the skills and confidence to deliver our shared-reading approach, which focuses on dialogic reading and promoting reading for pleasure. This method is well evidenced as being effective in improving children’s educational attainment and we collect our own data annually to support this. You will be taught how to draw out conversations around books and build children’s confidence, particularly for those who are struggling or reluctant readers.  

Reading 321 – Corporate Reading Scheme 

What is it? Employees can volunteer in their local primary school each working with a minimum of one child delivering a 30 minute reading session once a week for a full academic year. This means that volunteers will really get to know their school community, the individual child they are supporting and see the impact they have had over the course of the placement.  

What is required of volunteers? Prospective volunteers must attend one day’s training and must be DBS checked and provide personal references as part of our child safeguarding commitment. Once trained and checks completed, volunteers are placed in a partner primary school within 20 minutes travelling distance of their work place.  

What is the time commitment? A one-day training course (10am – 4pm) followed by 30 minutes a week during term time for a minimum of one full academic year. 

Who’s it for? Employees who are able to commit the minimum time requirement and are keen to get involved in their school community and support children with their reading levels and confidence.  

How long does it take to start in a schoolThe process can take between 1 – 3 months from application to placement. This is because it is dependent on the speed of which we receive back personal references and DBS checks and the availability of a school placement that is convenient enough for your location. It also depends on the timing of your application given school holidays must be taken into consideration. 

Story Readers – One Day Volunteering  

What is it? A fun-packed and interactive one-day volunteering experience for a group of employees. In the morning you will engage in an informative workshop with Coram Beanstalk, helping you learn how to get the best out of books and shared reading with children. In the afternoon you’ll put your new-found skills to the test, travelling to a nearby school and reading with a class of children.  

Who’s it for? This is ideal for a group of employees who are not able to commit regular time to volunteering but want to learn more about Coram Beanstalk as well as gain evidenced-based tips in shared reading to use at home!  

What is the time commitment? One day (approx. timing example : 10:30 – 3pm) 

How many people can take part? 7 – 15 people